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Funding and Support Service

MAK Hill offering wide range of open access support service for making it simpler for scholars to explore and apply for funding covering (APC) article processing cost and Reprints processing cost

We can offer:

  • Offer customized information on OA funds that may be available to you.
  • Guide you to the open access funding facilitator at your institution or funding body.
  • Provisions to information required to complete an open access funding application.
  • Advice you about acquiescence with funders' and institutions' OA policies.
  • Offer individualized recommendation about the application process for your institution or funding body.
  • Assist you manifest the advantages of OA to help your application.

Explore our OA funding and policy resources 
For open access article (Funding Sources) Confirm either your institution or research funders accept OA funding accessible for journal publications
We are working on policy making by collaborating with institutions (sorry for inconvenience will update the information soon)