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Code Of Conduct

MAK Hill Journal Code of Conduct

Considering world’s best experts exchange of views MAK Hill decide to provide best platform to authors for exchanging their research work and investigations through authentic and perfect platform of scientific research publications. Editors of journals are playing key role in building up the futures best publishing journals for researchers and scientists. For encouraging editor’s role we plan technically MAK Hill code of conduct for setting perfect standards for our editors those are holding responsibility for enhancing journal status and standards and pick only the best content for publications by ensuring all quality and scientific publication standards. 

Part of Journal Editor:
We believe to establish a long term and strong relationship between authors/researchers community and MAK Hill. After having detailed research by expert team of MAK Hill publications we concluded that most of the publication companies are generally lacking the quality and true standards of publishing authentic research work. Editors are expected to play essential and key role in collecting the best material for publications and for ensuring all quality measures required for Publication scientific research work. You need to focus on

  • Maintaining journals quality by conducting peer review process for selecting best research literature for publication without biasness or personal interest.
  • Encouraging and supporting authors and reviewers of journal.
  • Timely suggesting improvements for uprising journal standard and keeping it up to date as per requirement of time. 

For supporting editors we designed this special mechanism code of conduct for setting the friendly and minimum standards for MAK Hill editors those are responsible for journal content and quality for endorsing the best and trustworthy literature. Your confidence is our success.

If you have any suggestion and recommendation for MAK Hill code of Conduct you can write the suggestion on provided contact information for any further question or query feel free to contact us. 

Editorial Ethics:
Without practicing ethical guidelines of international standards of publishing workings it’s impossible to build a reputable publishing agency. We have applied for getting the membership of committee of publication ethics (COPE). Our working framework is designed after considering all essential guidelines mentioned by COPE and other publications criteria endorsing ethical publication procedures. We expect our editors to follow the same guidelines. Editors will:

  • Obey COPE core practice guidelines. 
  • Guarantee journal executing fair process and following ethical standards of publications
  • Guarantee that intellectual property is esteemed and research integrity is maintained
  • Evade personal interest or biased decision making.
  • Make sure paper meets all publication criteria and standards of publications like: authorship, originality of literature, no replication or work, etc
  • Need to be conscious of potential citation manipulation in case of any concern report immediately.
  • Report on at least quarterly, any applicable rival interests that may influence, or may be perceived to influence, rulings as Editor.
  • Check authors have revealed sources of funding and any other resources/support.
  • Ensure confidentiality of authors, reviewers, and third party supporting in research investigation etc for ensuring ethical process of query.
  • Editorial decision should base on merit and on fair review policy. 
  • Endorse fair criticism policy reviewers and editor’s criticism must be productive.
  • Design effective road map for other editorial board members, reviewers and third participant interested to point out concerns about article or peer review process.
  • Create awareness for community about copyright policy, sharing policy, publishing policy and open access policy.
  • Make sure that submitted article is according to the aim and scope of paper and right paper is submitted in right journals.

Editor and Journal Management:

Peer Review and Manuscript Management: 
Moral, punctual and effectual peer review is the basis foundation of any true publication process and MAK Hill editors are responsible for managing the correct and successful peer review process.
Editor should ensure:

  • Journals aim and scope are up-to-date.
  • Consideration of manuscript should be fair and impartial free from any biased decision based on any age, race, gender, nationality etc.
  • Endorse journals peer review policy single-anonymous/single-blind, double-anonymous/double-blind ensure that reviewer’s actual identities are hidden and confidential.
  • Make sure that each and every article go through peer review process and process is completed as per provided policy stated on our website.
  • Confidential peer review process.
  • Don’t create unnecessary hurdles from submission to publication process if the provided work meeting all quality criteria. 
  • Don’t lose coordination with MAK Hill team during the whole procedure in case having any trouble or issue you can contact MAK Hill team any time.
  • Maintain transparent and fair policy for withdrawing and rejecting the manuscript.
  • Ensure providing positive and powerful publication experience through which scholars can get positive outcomes for future studies. 

Editor and Journal Management: 

Dynamic, occupied and varied Editorial Board with broad vision for journal success is the key to rule the future. For achieving this objective editor need to:

  • Operate in concurrence with MAK Hill to designate and handle a strong and effective editorial board.
  • Maintain regular communication while making any decision regarding to publication process or journal related matters. 
  • Ensure participation of all editors of journal in peer review process or decision making.
  • Guide involve and support all editors and board members if feel need to execute better management.
  • Involve all editorial board members for a positive impression for justifying the journal's aim and scope. 
  • With MAK Hill supporting guidelines make sure all editors understanding their role and will perform accordingly.
  • Involve all editors in strategic decision making action with support of MAK Hill.
  • Be Confident working with MAK Hill to ensure a multi-dynamic experience on the Editorial Board.

Editors Expectations:

Editors and publishers are the two main partners in executing the research publication process. We are ambitious to build a successful partnership with our editors, Editors can expect from MAK Hill:

  • Supply of online submission and peer review system with full support accessible to assist in its operation, including handling author queries
  • Production service for acknowledged material that emphasizes a promise to timely and high-trait publications
  • Journal production data, support, and direction to assist the origination and execution of an editorial plan for the journal,
    More data will be added as per requirement of time.

Publisher Connection:

We expect editors to work in partnership with MAK Hill our expectations for both parties are:

  • Create an effective, cooperative, transparent, true, and considerate working relationship together where all participants will maintain a high standard of professional conduct
  • Ensure working together and partners to maintain surroundings free of bullying, discrimination, and harassment, unethical behaviors.
  • Understand your commitments and adhere to its terms
  • Ensure regular and frequent communication between both parties
  • Be in touch for building editorial strategy
  • Report immediately any problems or concerns as soon as they arise, working in coordination to address any legal or ethical challenges.